SAP-BI@ExtractionMethod-CO-PA Extraction
CO-PA Extraction
1) CO-PA stands for Controlling - Profitablility analysis.
2) We can do Planning in CO-PA. So we will 2 types of transactions in CO-PA a) Actual and b)Plan.
3) Value type :- is used as indicatore for Actual/Plan.
4) Actual transaction is more detailed and Plan transaction is more Aggregated.
5) Planning can be in multiple versions.(Version)
6) In BW we do 0Vtype reporting on CO-PA Cube.
7) Co-PA is an Integration Module.
8) Each actual transaction is stored in 3 different curriencies.ex:- Company code Currency,Transaction currency,Operating Concern currecy.
9) Currecncy Type :- Used as indicator of the currency.
10) CO-PA comes as part of customer generated extractors.
11) CO-PA datasource is generated based on Operating Concern.
12) Operating Concern is the top most Legal entity for controlling which will have its own Data structure with Value fields and Charcteristic fields.
13) CE1xxxx - Actual Line Item table
CE2xxxx - Plan Line Item table
CE3xxxx - Segment level table
CE4xxxx - Segment level table
14) We don't have a Business Content DS for Co_PA because CO-PA DS is based on Operating Concern and the Data Structure of Operating Concern can be different with specific to implementation.
How to generate the DS for CO-PA?
1) GO to T-code (KEB0)
2) Specify the CO-PA DS name in the given format. - 1_CO_PA%CL%ERK
* Max length of a CO-PA DS name is : 19.
3) Select Create,Operating Concern name
4) Specify Accounting based / Costing Based.
4.a) Costing based - Detailed Level of information, Accounting BAsed - Aggregated Information.
4.b) Costing BAsed - Product based company, Accounting based - service based company
4.c) Costing BAsed - Compnay code field is mabndatory, Accounting based - Company code, Controlling area, Cost element are mandatory fields.
5) Click on 'Execute' button.
6) In the next screen type '=init' in the command bar.
7) Field name for partitioning :- which segment.
8) generate the Catalog.
9) Save it
10) Generate
11) Replicate the DS.
How to Migrate the Data:-
* CO-PA runs delta based on timestamp.
* yyyymmddhhmmss (Time stamp).
* Timestamp information of a CO-PA DS can be viewed in T-Code (KEB2).
* Giving minimum of half hours time we call it as Safety delta.
1) Run thr Init load.
2) Once the Init is successful wait for minimum of Half hours time and schedule the delta loads.
Re-alignment of Timestamp:- (KEB5)--------------------------
1) CO-PA stands for Controlling - Profitablility analysis.
2) We can do Planning in CO-PA. So we will 2 types of transactions in CO-PA a) Actual and b)Plan.
3) Value type :- is used as indicatore for Actual/Plan.
4) Actual transaction is more detailed and Plan transaction is more Aggregated.
5) Planning can be in multiple versions.(Version)
6) In BW we do 0Vtype reporting on CO-PA Cube.
7) Co-PA is an Integration Module.
8) Each actual transaction is stored in 3 different curriencies.ex:- Company code Currency,Transaction currency,Operating Concern currecy.
9) Currecncy Type :- Used as indicator of the currency.
10) CO-PA comes as part of customer generated extractors.
11) CO-PA datasource is generated based on Operating Concern.
12) Operating Concern is the top most Legal entity for controlling which will have its own Data structure with Value fields and Charcteristic fields.
13) CE1xxxx - Actual Line Item table
CE2xxxx - Plan Line Item table
CE3xxxx - Segment level table
CE4xxxx - Segment level table
14) We don't have a Business Content DS for Co_PA because CO-PA DS is based on Operating Concern and the Data Structure of Operating Concern can be different with specific to implementation.
How to generate the DS for CO-PA?
1) GO to T-code (KEB0)
2) Specify the CO-PA DS name in the given format. - 1_CO_PA%CL%ERK
* Max length of a CO-PA DS name is : 19.
3) Select Create,Operating Concern name
4) Specify Accounting based / Costing Based.
4.a) Costing based - Detailed Level of information, Accounting BAsed - Aggregated Information.
4.b) Costing BAsed - Product based company, Accounting based - service based company
4.c) Costing BAsed - Compnay code field is mabndatory, Accounting based - Company code, Controlling area, Cost element are mandatory fields.
5) Click on 'Execute' button.
6) In the next screen type '=init' in the command bar.
7) Field name for partitioning :- which segment.
8) generate the Catalog.
9) Save it
10) Generate
11) Replicate the DS.
How to Migrate the Data:-
* CO-PA runs delta based on timestamp.
* yyyymmddhhmmss (Time stamp).
* Timestamp information of a CO-PA DS can be viewed in T-Code (KEB2).
* Giving minimum of half hours time we call it as Safety delta.
1) Run thr Init load.
2) Once the Init is successful wait for minimum of Half hours time and schedule the delta loads.
Re-alignment of Timestamp:- (KEB5)--------------------------
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