Open Hub Service ( Info Spokes )
Open Hub Service ( Info Spokes ):- ---------------------------------- * Retraction. * Retracting the Data back from BW ( Info Cubes, ODS, MD - ATTR,TEXT,HIER) into Flat Files or Data base tables. * Scenerio(1) - Management Cockpit * How to create Info Spokes to Retract data from Info Cube to Flat file? * When we Retract data with the Infospokes it creates to files ( Data file and Header file (s_xxxxxxxx)) * Both the Flat files would be .CSV files. * When retracting the Data the Infospokes are Aggregating the records based on the Characteristic values. * NAMEING CONVENTION OF THE TABLE - /BIC/OHxxxxxx(DESTYINATION NAME ). * Delta Mechanism for Info Spokes. * Scenerio(2) - Loading from Info Cube to Info Cube based on a Request. * Transformations Using BADIs's. In the Infospoke screnn - Transformation Tab - Select the Chek box "Info Spoke with transformations using BADI's" then it automatically creates an Implementation class with the naming convention as 'ZCL_IM_xxxxxxxx' ( SE24 ) and with an interface 'IF_OPEN_HUB_TRANSFORM' and this interface brings in the method 'IF_OPEN_HUB_TRANSFORM' and then we start writing the transformation code in this method. * loop at E_T_DATA. if E_T_DATA-salval = 0 and E_T_DATA-salkg = 0. delete E_T_data. endif. * Limitation of Info Spoke:- -------------------------- * Using Info Spoke we cannot retrive the data if it is available in multiple data Targets. * Info Spoke will not work for Virtual Providers.
Labels: OpenHub