SAP BW IP Some Sample Notes
Integrated planning---370-planing tool-------by sap in bi-----bw/////////bps----business planing and simulation////////outlooksoft5.0----bpc7.0(business planing and consolidation bi--integrated planing organization-----sales dept------------level1//2/3/4/------------level -----planing requiremnts sales mgr-------regional mgr------------------divisional mgr---------salesmgr marketing user level-----plang requiremnets plang environment-------------------user cn plan-manual plang/////automated the plang environment 2.manual plang------analsyer(plang workbooks)/web application designer(plang web templates) 3.automated palng-------------anlyser/web application desinger historical data-----------report-------report pland data-----variance 1.planing enivironment---------elemnts-------------planing modeler------------------web based providers:for planing real time info cube------------multi provider with real time info cube-----read nad write optimized createion of a real time info cube: 2.aggergation level:it is the combinations of the chars and key figures on which user wants to go for plang,wrt each user levels we have to design one aggregation level smgr-----teriirtory-----------aggr1 rsm-----terrritori---prd availability-----aggr2 dsm----terr/prd/sales returns-------------aggr3 if u r going fro manaula planing or automated plang---the aggergation level is the base-----input ready queries--they can be designed on aggrgation levels 3.Filters:for selctions---------even if u want to go for plang wrt some specific values-------prd/prd group---(new) 4.plang functions:using plang function we can go for automated plang///ther r some sap deliverd plang functions,,,,usiing those we can go for automated plang sap///customer for customer function-----------formulas------- sap deliverd : a.Delete:if we want to delet the plang data--use this delet function 2.copy-----------copy the actulas into plang info cube 3.revaluate----------------100+10%-------------- 4.repost-----delet the existing plang data and to post new values use this function 5.plang seaquence:using this we can execute plang functions in a seaquence---delte/copy/revaluate--similar to process chains note:plang environemnt/////manual plang///automated plang MANUAL PLANING: 1.DESIGN READY FOR INPUT QUERY---------ON AGGERGATION LEVEL 2.DESIGN WORKBOOK/WEB TEMPLATE aggr1-----user---query aggr2--------user2------qu2 aggr3-------user3----------query3
- provider
- 2.aggergation level
- 3.filter
- 4.planing function
- 5.planing seaquence
integrated plang------- 1.Info provider-real time info cube/////multiprovider---real time info cube actuals data---std info cube plan data---real time info cube---multi provider 2.aggregation level:combinations of char and key figure on which each user level is planing 3.filter-----value selctions 4.plang functions-sap/customer------copy/delete/revaluate/repost/////customer---formulas 5.plang seaquence-----to execute theplang functions in a seaquence MANUAL PLANING--READY FOR INPUT QUERY---AGGREGATION LEVEL
data source migartions---3.x data source must be migrated to new 7.0 data source concept ss(ds)--ts---psa--tr--cs--ur--dt ss---ip------ds---------trftn---dtp----dt in 7.0 --no ts/tr---even when u migrtae the data source the transfer stru and transfer rules r deletd---migrated new netwevare data source concept rsds------------to migrate the data source-------------with export////with out export with export----------ts/tr-----taken back up withyout export-----------------no recover 3.x ts/tr 3.x ds---square bi accelerator----------indexing server----icubes data------mantin indexs---sap--hp/ibm----hardware component bw accelerator- toll-pioneer bi server-------bi aceerator----------------------------rsadmin planing modeler info provider---real time inf ocube///multi provider aggreagtion level filter plang functions-------------------automated plang--delet/copy/revaluate copy-------actuals infocube/real time infocube chars----------------chars time charsnov2009--------tme chars(nov2010) key figure-----key figure us-------------------sales/cost/rev--------------nov2009////////////////nov2010
Labels: sap bw Quick Notes