Tuesday, December 27, 2016

BW Statistics

bw statistics----
1.Maintain statistics settings------info providers--olap/whm------------collected std tables------rsddstat*

2.colect the stat data from std tables to stat info providers
 a.instal stat ds in bw sys---rsa5
 b.replicate ds--rsa1
 c.assign infosurce---bcontent
 d.instal stat data targets from bcontent
 e.create update rules
 f.create info package--init/deltas

3.stat data need to be  anlayzed--st03n/////run the std reports on sta info cubes

 query---query run times/whm////---reports on std reports on stat infocubes


Line Item Dimension

line item dimension:if the size of dim table is more than 30% of fact table---then make that dim as line item dimension////

dim tab--lot of data---longer read time

fact table---dim table----sid---mdata tables

u can selct it as line item dimension-----if i make any dim as line item dim--

if u want to make nay dim as line item dimensio----ther should be only one char in that dim

sales order dim---(sales doc no)--line item ---sales docno(sid)---directly sid is placed to fact table

fact table--sid---master data


Indexes SAP bw InfoCube

Indexes:pointer to the records-----olap processor can serache record easily---db read time reduced

there r 2 types of indexes---bitmap//btree indexes/////primary indexs--maintained  by sys///secondery indexes--user

btree indexes r created on cardinality high table///bit map indexs r created on cardinality low table


emp dim table
200----------------more repated values----cardinality low---

sales oredr dim
order no---1/2/3/4/5/'6---cardinality high

Note:indexes on info cube improves query performance but it tampers ur loading performance

before data loading delet indexes and after data loading maintain indexs--

to verify the indexs----se14---fact table
